martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007

Dale Click!

I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm sick.
You're the son of a tick.

Wearing me out with your flicks.
Flicked Flicked Flicked
Take me up to the peak, peak, peak.

Beats Beats Beats
Tie me up with a string.
Propulsion of tricks,
steering my fins...

where I like it to be
persistence of sins
becoming scenes of my film.

Perspirating my vexations,
Recreating through excretion,
Restlessness pleasure.
My only treasure.

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About Me

No soy solo una autora... Suelo columpiarme entre diferentes personalidades para darle vida a facetas que no conocia sobre mi ayer, mi hoy y mi mañana.